Module 2

Data science lifecycle & Exploratory data analysis using visualization

Are you ready for some data visualisations? This week is all about exploring data with ggplot2 R package. We will also learn about the data science lifecycle.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learners can list the six elements of the data science lifecycle.
  2. Learners can describe the four main aesthetic mappings that can be used to visualise data using the ggplot2 R Package.
  3. Learners can control the colour scaling applied to a plot using colour as an aesthetic mapping.
  4. Learners can compare three different geoms (bar/col, histogram, point) and their use case.


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  1. Read R for Data Science - Whole game
  2. Read R for Data Science - Section 3 - Workflow basics
  3. Read R for Data Science - Section 2 - Data visualization


Please complete the following assignment by Monday, 13th November 2023.

Thank you for working through this assignment.