Course Calendar

date week topic module
31 October 2023 1 Welcome & get ready for the course module 1
07 November 2023 2 Data science lifecycle & Exploratory data analysis using visualization module 2
14 November 2023 3 Data transformation with dplyr module 3
21 November 2023 4 Data import & Data organization in spreadsheets module 4
28 November 2023 5 Conditions & Dates & Tables module 5
05 December 2023 6 Data types & Vectors & For Loops module 6
12 December 2023 7 Pivoting & joining data module 7
19 December 2023 8 Break NA
26 December 2023 9 Break NA
02 January 2024 10 Break NA
09 January 2024 11 Work on Capstone project NA
16 January 2024 12 Creating and publishing scholarly articles with Quarto and GitHub pages module 8
23 January 2024 13 openwashdata webinar: a data sharing workflow that may please the publishers NA
30 January 2024 14 Work on Capstone project NA
06 February 2024 15 Work on Capstone project NA
13 February 2024 16 Final submission date of Capstone project NA
20 February 2024 17 Graduation party of openwashdata academy module 9