Borehole Data Analysis for Clean Water Access


Joseph Lwere


February 13, 2024


Project Description:-

This project will objectively be analyzing and interpreting raw borehole repair data to aid planning and decision making. Boreholes are the main technology used to access ground water in Uganda according to (Owor et al. 2022), and also a source for drinking water for households in rural communities in Africa, Uganda inclusive (Lapworth et al. 2020,), therefore it is important to have good quality data to inform decision making and planning. This project looks at data collected from two districts in central Uganda where a borehole operation and maintenance program is run. As professional operation and maintenance is looked at as the future for borehole functionality in Uganda (Smith, Ongom, and Davis 2023), this project report offers more insights on research for this topic.


This data is collected from a sample of borehole repair records used by the borehole operation and maintenance company operating in central Uganda. Population data is picked as an interview from a representative of the Local Water User Committees (LWUCs). The data on the technical specifications about the borehole is picked from the borehole records file from the company.


Raw Data

We start by reading the raw data from the .csv file

borehole <- read_csv(here::here("data/raw/borehole_repair_data.csv"))

Data Transformation

Transforming the data into a readable variable name

new_well_yield <- borehole |> 
   rename("well_yield" = "well_yield_(m^3/hr)")
 processed_borehole_data <- drop_na(new_well_yield)

Processed Data

Writing the processed data ready for analysis into the processed folder

write_csv(processed_borehole_data, here::here("data/processed/processed_borehole_data.csv"))

Createing a new variable from the existing data

district_column <- processed_borehole_data |> 
mutate(district = case_when(
  sub_county == "Gombe" ~ "Wakiso",
  sub_county == "Kakiri" ~ "Wakiso",
  sub_county == "Kakiri Town Council" ~ "Wakiso",
  sub_county == "Namayumba Town Council" ~ "Wakiso",
  sub_county == "Kira" ~ "Wakiso",
  TRUE ~ "Luwero"


Distribution of well depth

Figure 1 is a histogram showing the distribution of well depth across two districts.

ggplot(data = district_column,
       mapping = aes(x = well_depth,
                     fill = district)) +
  xlab("Borehole Depth(m)")+
  ylab("No. of Boreholes")+
labs(title = "Borehole population served summary, data from two districts")
Figure 1: Histogram showing distribution of well_depth per district

From the histogram above we can conclude that the average depth of boreholes in both Wakiso and Luwero District is similar. For both districts the depth of the biggest percentage of boreholes is below 75 meters deep. We can also see that there are extreme instances in Luwero district where three boreholes are deeper than 100 meters.

Well Yield and Population

Figure 2 is a scatterplot showing well yield distribution and population served across the two districts.

ggplot(data = district_column, 
       mapping = aes(x = population_served, 
                     y = well_yield, 
                     fill = district, 
                     color = district))+ 
  lims(y = c(0,100))+ 
  xlab("Populatin Served")+ 
  ylab("Borehole Yield(m3)")+
labs(title = "Borehole well yield yield vs population served in two districts")
Figure 2: Scatterplot showing well yield distribution and Population served in two districts

The scatter plot chart above shows us that the average population served by a borehole in the two districts where the sample data was collected from is 1000 people. We also learn that the average yield of boreholes in these two districts is 12.5 m3. We see cases where the population served and yield of boreholes goes above average, those are areas where we can investigate further.

Boreholes repaired by quarter

Figure 3 is a column chart showing borehole numbers repaired by quarter and year.

summary_data <- processed_borehole_data |>  
  group_by(repair_date) |> 
  summarise(count = n())

ggplot(data = summary_data,
       mapping = aes(x = year(repair_date),
                     y = count,
                     fill = quarter(repair_date))) +
  xlab("Repair date/ Year")+
  ylab("No. of Boreholes")+
labs(title = "Borehole repaired by quarter of the year")
Figure 3: Column chart showing number of boreholes repaired by quarter of a year

The column chart above informs us the year and quarter when the majority of boreholes were repaired. In this case with the data set that we have most boreholes 73 boreholes were repaired in the year 2022. In terms of the quarter where majority of boreholes were repaired we see that for the 2021 all of the boreholes (31) were repaired in the last quarter, for 2022 majority of the boreholes (23) were repaired in the first quarter and then finally in the year 2023, (19) boreholes were repaired in the second quarter.

# table creation
tbl_bhr_summary <- district_column |> 
  group_by(district) |> 
    count = n(),
    mean_popn = mean(population_served),
    sd_popn = sd(population_served),
    median_popn = median(population_served)
# export table to processed folder 
write_csv(tbl_bhr_summary, here::here("data/processed/tbl-01-bhr-summary.csv"))

(tbl_bhr_summary?) shows that Wakiso District has more people served by just 11 boreholes compared to Luwero District which has 136 boreholes.

Boreholes characteristics

Table 1 shows borehole characteristics in the two districts of operation.

# Using kable() to display the bhr-summary table
Table 1: Borehole population served summary data from two districts
district count mean_popn sd_popn median_popn
Luwero 146 487.1507 757.8711 263
Wakiso 11 1341.1818 987.4383 988

The table above shows us the total number of boreholes repaired in each of the target districts, the mean, standard deviation and median of the population served in each of the target districts.


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From this data and the investigation carried out we can conclude that;

  • Boreholes in Wakiso and Luwero districts have an average depth between 30 and 75 meters.
  • The yield of most boreholes in these two districts is below 12.5m3.
  • The percentage of boreholes were repaired in the last quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 is 34.6%.


Lapworth, DJ, AM MacDonald, S Kebede, M Owor, G Chavula, H Fallas, P Wilson, et al. 2020. “Drinking Water Quality from Rural Handpump-Boreholes in Africa.” Environmental Research Letters 15 (6): 064020.
Owor, Michael, Joseph Okullo, Helen Fallas, Alan M MacDonald, Richard Taylor, and Donald John MacAllister. 2022. “Permeability of the Weathered Bedrock Aquifers in Uganda: Evidence from a Large Pumping-Test Dataset and Its Implications for Rural Water Supply.” Hydrogeology Journal 30 (7): 2223–35.
Smith, Daniel W, Stephen Atwii Ongom, and Jennifer Davis. 2023. “Does Professionalizing Maintenance Unlock Demand for More Reliable Water Supply? Experimental Evidence from Rural Uganda.” World Development 161: 106094.